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Archive for the ‘OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict.’ Category

To bomb or not to bomb: the Syrian uprising and yet another sterile debate in the western left.

In OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict. on April 7, 2012 at 2:50 pm

Syrian revolution

This is my last article published for the OISC. Here I focus on the Syrian uprising to argue that western left needs to take a step forward and leave behind internal battles and divisions over the issue of military intervention. Backing military intervention should be ruled out of any genuine left mind as the ultimate goal of a NATO led attack is to gain control of country and install puppet regimes that end up favouring western multinationals.

If someone believes that Russia, China, the US or the EU are concerned about the freedom of Syrian people they must be living in a fantasy world. Syria is a huge battleground for the control of oil and gas pipelines and all parties involved want to keep their piece of cake. It is hard to believe that after so many flawed invasions and attacks on so many countries in the name of “democracy” which have taken place over the last 60 years, someone still believes that a military intervention willl somehow bring peace and stability to any region.

What the western left need to do is to construct viable alternatives for a better society where geoestrategic (and ultimately corporate) interests are not privileged over people, over human life.

About Irrational Utopias or the American Dream as a Nightmare

In OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict. on April 7, 2012 at 2:34 pm

The american Dream as a Nightmare

One of my articles published in January by the OISC. The article explores the origins of the American dream and how its promises were betrayed since its inception. On a more positive note, I argue that the biological metaphors that sustain the capitalist discourse underpinning the American dream need to be rethought in light of recent advances in evolutionary biology and neurosicnece. From these perspectives, empathy and collective awareness might be seen as part and parcel of evolution, contrary to popular percpetion.

OISC article on the American Dream _January 2012

In OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict. on January 26, 2012 at 12:41 pm

American Dream

tags: American Dream, protestant work ethic, capitalism, individualism, evolutionary biology.

OISC article on Lybia geopolitics _August 2011

In OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict. on August 27, 2011 at 12:12 pm

The Curse of oil in Lybia

tags: Lybia, geopolitics, oil, neocolonialism, monsters, Gaddafi.

OISC article on the Oslo attacks _July 2011

In OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict. on July 26, 2011 at 12:12 pm

Oslo Attacks

tags: Oslo, terrorism, fascism, racism, european colonialism, instrumental reason, homo sacer, Giorgio Agamben.

OISC article on the Spanish “indignados” _May 2011

In OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict. on May 27, 2011 at 12:12 pm

Spanish Indignados

tags: Spain, indignados, economic crisis, Arab Spring, Latin AMerica, democracy.

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