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Archive for September, 2012|Monthly archive page

Follow here Spanish protests

In New Modernities on September 29, 2012 at 4:26 pm

Follow here Spanish protests

Occupy Wall Street and 15M occupy the minds

In New Modernities on September 29, 2012 at 12:20 pm

Occupy Wall Street and 15M occupy the minds

This is my new piece for the Observatory on Interantional Stability and Conflict (OISC). Here I discuss the relationship between corporate media and two emerging social movements like Occupy Wall Street and the Spanish 15M from the perspective of complexity theory. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to make any comments and views you may want to share.

In New Modernities on September 29, 2012 at 10:37 am

As part of my research for the Observatory on International Stability and Conflict (OISC), this article, published in January 2012, attempts to show a larger picture of the current economic crisis hitting the world today. The economic and social model that financial capitalism is trying to force countries like Spain, Greece and Portugal into, sinks its roots in the American Dream, the dream of individualism, consumerism and social darwinism as a way of life. In this article, I go to the origin of capitalism in early 16th century to argue its values and worldview are antithetical to justice, equality and are rooted in the outdated paradigm of social darwinism and also, I might add, on the idea that natural resources are infinite. It’s not going to be easy for financial capitalists to bend european societies into wild capitalism simply because Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal share an altogether different idea fo what life is about. For us, life is not a matter of accumulating possessions in life that grant our passage into God’s kingdom. Despite the fact that these countries are not free from the imapct of neoliberal policies, there is still a profound belief in public culture, public space, public life and communal life, with all its advantages and disadvantages. The 21st century requires a social, economic and ecological model that puts human beings and nature at the centre of priorities. Capitalism runs fast in the opposite direction of where a majority of the world’s ppopulation is slowly turning to: am ore sustainable, equal, and fair world order.

Non Curat Lex

“The owners of this country know the truth: It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin

“(…) occupiers and protesters seem to have awakened from a “dream” that only privileged a few”

For a European like me, the American dream is often invoked in mainstream Hollywood films and TV series, which portray an idealised picture of individual heroes fighting against a usually hostile world or pursuing epic dreams of material prosperity, fame and fortune from the bottom of society. In popular culture, the American dream is usually described as the hope of anyone who comes to America, the land of limitless space, a land where everything is possible if individuals work hard enough, a land where it is always possible to go beyond, to achieve more, to make ideas infinitely productive and therefore, income generating. Apparently, everyone has the same opportunities…

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Spanish government congratulates the Spanish riot police

In New Modernities on September 29, 2012 at 9:54 am

Spanish government congratulates the Spanish riot police

The day after the riot police repressed violently a majority of mostly peaceful protesters in Madrid, the Spanish government found the repression worth congratulating. According to them, the riot police acted moderately and appropriately…………….All the videos and pictures I have been posting for the last few days just show how embarrassingly cynical the Spanish government can be.

In New Modernities on September 28, 2012 at 6:41 pm

Lectura fundamental para entender el alcance de la estafa y el robo que estamos viviendo. En terminos muy generales, se trata de desposeer a los paises de sus economias reales y hacernos asi dependientes y esclavos de las corporaciones que tendran la comida, los bienes y todo lo necesario para una vida figna a los precios que dicten ellos. Lo que pasa en Espana es parte de una dictadura mundial ampliada despues de la caida del ultimo gran bloque de resistencia al capitalismo: la Union Sovietica. Nuestra genracion tiene la responsabilidad de liderar la madre de todas las batallas contra la ignominia y la deshumanizacion de nuestro mundo contra la dictadura salvaje del capital.

El Blog de @gonzalocampa

Hacer un buen diagnóstico de los males que aquejan a un paciente es el primer paso para sanarlo, e igualmente ocurre en el campo económico.

Los medios ocultan el verdadero problema (porque muchos pertenecen a las grandes fortunas) y evitan que se haga un buen diagnóstico que contribuya a solucionar el problema.

El objetivo de la crisis-estafa:

Que los pueblos vendamos nuestro patrimonio (Estado del Bienestar) a las élites financieras. Apoderarse de las empresas que sustentan el sistema. Quedarse con la economía real.

El objetivo de los recortes:

Si los Bancos españoles no pueden pagar a los Alemanes, sea el Estado Español, con dinero público, el que responda.

1. Los increibles datos de la crisis/estafa:


  1. La Deuda era menor antes de la “crisis”. Porlo que no es el origen de esta. Fuente: Cuentas financieras del Banco de España
  2. La Deuda es en su mayoría privada, no pública (80,9% es…

View original post 2,606 more words

Another video of shame in Spain

In New Modernities on September 28, 2012 at 6:19 pm

A couple of days ago I posted a picture of riot policemen arresting an elderly man. Here’s the video of shame. I have no more words to say. The government of my country embarrasses me. I insist, the Troika and the spanish government are responsible for this violence, they have set the streets on fire with their barbaric dismantling of the Spanish welfare state. Spanish people are just fighting for democracy when iit is being stolen from them right in fornt of their noses.

How Taiwan sees the crisis of Spain

In New Modernities on September 28, 2012 at 3:43 pm

The economic crisis in Spain, police brutality, catalan independence…all in one go. This is how Taiwan sees my country.


Memoria del Saqueo, el FMI en Argentina

In New Modernities on September 28, 2012 at 10:56 am

Sin mas comentarios, espanoles, no dejeis de ver este documental y no dejeis de mostrarlo a vuestros familiares y amigos.

Spain is becoming a dictatorship

In New Modernities on September 28, 2012 at 9:27 am

The IMF and the ECB are using force and violence to bend, coercing and harrasing Spain into becoming a slave of debt to save the ass of those who screwed up the economy. In the meantiem, Europe is watching and doing nothing. We are eager to defend freedom of expression and the “freedom of the West” against “oriental barbarism” when Muslims protest for a caricature of Mahoma. But Europe does not protest when much worse violations and police repression are taking place in Spain or Greece, when democracy and freedom are at stake in these Europeans countries.

The IMF in focus

In New Modernities on September 28, 2012 at 9:05 am

In this 2009 Al jazeera program, Counting the Cost, the IMF is analysed to its roots. It provides a very itneresting overview of its austerity policies and questions whether or not it is worth for countries to pay such high price for almost little or no reward.

The IMF is the economic instrument of neoliberal capitalism to implement free-trade in every single country of this planet. Free-trade basically means a huge transfer of wealth from basically every nation into private hands by forcing them to become exporters of cheap, competitive produce.

This implies the dismantling of every single public state structure, giving the land away to corporations (represented by a few big landowners in every country) therefore losing food autonomy. In a nutshell, the IMF dismantles the autonomy and sovereignty of every country to make it completely dependent on private, corporate power.

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George Lakoff has retired as Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is now Director of the Center for the Neural Mind & Society (cnms.berkeley.edu).

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