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Hacia una nueva modernidad

In New Modernities on April 7, 2012 at 4:19 pm


Vivimos tiempos de cambio donde hay que construir verdaderas alternativas al caos presente o futuro.

Alternatives for new modernities

In New Modernities on April 7, 2012 at 4:00 pm


After 200 years of industrialisation and education for industrial purposes, new alternatives are emerging for a different kind of modernity, more humane, more egalitarian. Sir Ken Robinson makes the case brilliantly for a new concept of education that puts creativity first. Also, and more importantly, his criticism of the enlightenment conception of intelligence as “mental” to the detriment of creativity is crucial to understand what is worng in our society.

La libertad de reunion en Catalunya y en Espana

In New Modernities on April 7, 2012 at 3:41 pm


Acabo de leer este texto y, aunque ya nada me sorprende, no puedo dejar de asombrarme por la desfachatez con la que estos mal llamados politicos “democratas” ya no se ruborizan al mostrarse en su lado mas autoritario y fascista. Como puede ser que politicos elegidos por nosotros y que estan en el poder gracias a nosotros acaban por hacer politica en contra de nosotros? como puede ser que ante el mayor fraude de la historia que es es esta mal llamada crisis economica, nuestros politicos, elegidos por nosotros, obedezcan a los que criminales que han creado esta crisis/fraude? Respuesta, porque son la misma clase social y representan los mismos intereses, los del capital. Estoy seguro que a Felip Puig le parece de lo mas normal plantearse rstringir el derecho a la reunion porque su manera de entender el mundo y la sociedad asi se lo permite.

Para el capitalismo (que es el sistema que rige las politicas de CiU) los ciudadanos no somos mas que sujetos a los que hay que dominar y disciplinar para adaptarnos a la logica de sus intereses. ellos quieren escuelas, hoospitales y demas instituciones que sirvan a sus intereses de clase: formar a la masa trabajadora para ajustarse a las necesidades de sus empresas. Esta es la no-libertad que nos venden. Ellos nos dicen que el capitalismo ofrece libertad y es verdad, pero circunscrita a las reglas de juego impuestas por esa clase dominante. El que intenta ejercer la verdadera libertad saliendo de esas reglas de juego que ahogan la verdadera libertad corre el riesgo de la exclusion y de la represion y con eso juegan.

Justo cuando estan empezando a surgir iniciativas por una sociedad alternativa, diferente, mas justa, cuando empieza a surgir una conciencia colectiva de que hay que cambiar las reglas del juego, el poder reprime. De ahi que Felip Puig, en sus mentalidad de burocrata servidor del sistema opresor, tenga la ocurrencia de limitar la lbertad de reunion igual que en los regimenes totalitarios. El capitalismo esta cayendo en la misma trampa que algunos de los regimenes totalitarios que deformaron el comunismo: subestimar a la gente y su poder, emborracharse de arrogancia y compalcencia. Es normal, son de otra epoca y no saben entender que la sociedad esta cambiando, lenta pero inexorablamente hacia algo aun difuso, aun por definir, pero algo seguramente mas humano y justo, algo que politicos como Felip Puig (y muchisimos mas como el, esto no es nada personal contra el) no podran entender jamas porque no tienen sitio en esa sociedad.

El libre mercado en una imagen.

In New Modernities on April 7, 2012 at 3:07 pm

El factor gas en la crisis Siria

In New Modernities on April 7, 2012 at 2:57 pm


En este articulo de mi admirada Nazanin Amirian publicado en Publico, Amirian coincide con las tesis expuestas en mi articulo “To bomb or not to bomb: the Syrian uprising and yet another sterile debate in the western left”. Segun Amirian, Siria se encuentra en medio de una batalla por los recursos naturales que la cruzan ya que el control de Siria daria el grifo del agua bien a las potencias occidentales, bien a Rusia o China. Yo anado que si alguien cree que alguno de estos actores tiene en mente el bienestar de los ciudadanos Sirios no ha entendido nada de como funciona la politica o la economia en el mundo actual.

To bomb or not to bomb: the Syrian uprising and yet another sterile debate in the western left.

In OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict. on April 7, 2012 at 2:50 pm

Syrian revolution

This is my last article published for the OISC. Here I focus on the Syrian uprising to argue that western left needs to take a step forward and leave behind internal battles and divisions over the issue of military intervention. Backing military intervention should be ruled out of any genuine left mind as the ultimate goal of a NATO led attack is to gain control of country and install puppet regimes that end up favouring western multinationals.

If someone believes that Russia, China, the US or the EU are concerned about the freedom of Syrian people they must be living in a fantasy world. Syria is a huge battleground for the control of oil and gas pipelines and all parties involved want to keep their piece of cake. It is hard to believe that after so many flawed invasions and attacks on so many countries in the name of “democracy” which have taken place over the last 60 years, someone still believes that a military intervention willl somehow bring peace and stability to any region.

What the western left need to do is to construct viable alternatives for a better society where geoestrategic (and ultimately corporate) interests are not privileged over people, over human life.

About Irrational Utopias or the American Dream as a Nightmare

In OISC. International Observatory on Stability and Conflict. on April 7, 2012 at 2:34 pm

The american Dream as a Nightmare

One of my articles published in January by the OISC. The article explores the origins of the American dream and how its promises were betrayed since its inception. On a more positive note, I argue that the biological metaphors that sustain the capitalist discourse underpinning the American dream need to be rethought in light of recent advances in evolutionary biology and neurosicnece. From these perspectives, empathy and collective awareness might be seen as part and parcel of evolution, contrary to popular percpetion.

Slaves of a fraud

In New Modernities on April 7, 2012 at 2:22 pm


This is possibly the best documentary I have seen so far on the monetary system. here there is detailed explanation of how money is created out of nothing and how the entire monetary system sustains itself on nothing but air. money is created out of nothing because the Federal Reserve is the only private instiution that can issue money.

I have said elsewhere that capitalism and its money system is a system of death because it grows out of converting absolutely everything into a commodity. Capitalism has reached the point where it grows out of creating debt, hence enslaving people and whole nations into a debt that can never ever be repaid: this could jeopardise the whole architecture of economic smoke. Capitalism is the most impoverishing and infertile economic system/worlview ever to exist on earth. Yes, there has been violence and bloodshed (or so we have been told at shools, I’ll speak another day about this) but for the last 500 years capitalism has unleashed a gradual process of degradation and consumption that threatens human and non-human life on earth. This can only be reversed by a common and worldwie wake up call that revolts against the fascist institutions that govern us.

Ruling economists and politicians are still trapped in the worldview of econometrics, efficiency, graphs, ciphers and percentages. They understand the world through this dehumanising and objectifying framework and therefore cannot understand the excess of life that permeates human and non-human life.

It can only be us, the majority of the people who still retain traces of humanity and a truly alternative and more humane modernity, who have to take responsibility againts the zombies that rule us.

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